IT Support

We can provide remote, telephone and onsite support to deal with any problems you encounter, ensuring your business can function with the minimum disruption.  We can also proactively monitor your IT systems to ensure that your business is back up and running as quickly as possible in the event of a complete server or systems failure.

Systems Installation

Whether you require a complete new network solution due to business expansion, or need to upgrade or add to your existing systems, we can handle this efficiently with a minimum of disruption. We carry out much of this work offsite and out of office hours to minimise the impact to your business.

Network Administration

Are you spending time managing your network, applying patches and updates, adding and deleting user accounts and sorting out those niggling day-to-day issues that arise?  It isn’t always cost effective to employ dedicated IT staff, so the IT jobs get handed off to staff who aren’t really trained or qualified to manage IT environments, or you spend too much of your valuable time doing this.  We can provide cost effective solutions to help keep your IT systems running smoothly and performing as they should.

Remote Working

Now, more than ever, companies are realising the benefits and even the necessity for their teams to be able to work together from different locations.  We can help you to plan and implement a remote-working solution that is right for you.  Whether you want to implement Office 365 for your business, connect two or more sites together via a secure VPN connection, or provide staff with secure remote access to your IT systems, we can help.